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New job, and a new project

1v$ date
1v$ Wed Sep 30 16:44:03 GMT 2009

Okay, after about 2.2 years of working for "Sense Internet":http://www.sense.co.uk/ I finally left the wonderful folks there to persue a career as a Python web dev, for "Isotoma":http://www.isotoma.com/ in York.
I actually did this about a month ago, as ever I’m just crap at pushing out any kind of update. ;)

Anyhoo, my latest project was finally released this weekend, "memorised":http://github.com/1stvamp/memorised/, a Python decorator for caching function/method results in memcached with very little faffing about (using the "memoize" pattern).
For a write up on memorised, take a gander at my post on the "Isotoma blog":http://blog.isotoma.com/2009/09/of-python-memcached-and-decorators-easy-peasy-function-caching/.

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